
Monday, February 13, 2006

Lou Schreiber – Palos Verdes

Charlie Chaplin - Basic
Cross-body lead
M steps out of the way on 5
W steps forward & turns on 7
Charlie Chaplin – Spin
Cross-body lead
M puts L hand in front of W’s face on 5-AND
W spins L on 7
Crossover and Shadow
Lower L hand
Switch to Swing hand lead on 5&6
Go into crossover
M leads W into R turn
M switches to his R hand and both rock back (M looks to L and goes to his R)(W Looks to R and goes to her L)
Rock back twice more
M leads W into a R turn as M goes to L
Resume basic
Double Handcuff Turn
M does full R turn into handcuff position, switching to M’s R hand
W does R turn and a loop over M’s head with M’s R hand
Both do side rock back and forth, with M ending by sliding down W’s arm as M goes to his R
M leads W into R turn ending
Back Turn With Swivels
Cross-body lead on 5&6
W breaks away on 1&2
M PULLS W around on 3&4 with centrifugal force
Both rock back on 5&6
W swivels 7&8 9&10
W does inside L turn on 11&12